Research on Next-Generation Electrical Energy Systems


Various technological challenges exist in the realization of low-carbon and sustainable societies that resolve global environmental problems. The aim of this topic is to construct an efficient system for the entire process of generation/transmission/supply and use of electrical energy. For this purpose, it is necessary to consider methods for supplying energy to future humanity, construction of intelligent electric power networks, and technologies for efficient utilization of electrical energy. The construction of electric power networks, in particular, requires research and development on utilization of renewable energy and distributed energy resources, diffusion of electric vehicles or secondary batteries, high-efficiency power conversion technology, and technologies for advanced information infrastructure and measurement/communication/control systems. Further, an entire system will be established by combining biological effects (bioelectrics) and environmental conservation technologies utilizing electrical energy, and for this purpose, research and development will be carried out on utilization technologies for LEDs, discharge plasma, and pulsed power, which is one form of electrical energy.


Research topics

  1. Research on Generation of Energy and Effective Utilization MethodsGreen Innovation
    1-1 Outline

    The main topics include research on plasma-wall interactions in nuclear fusion power plants - a future energy source, development of power semiconductor devices using GaN and development of wireless power transmission technology, next-generation power electronics technology for electric vehicles and quick recharging, development of next-generation highly efficient motors to achieve high efficiency in electromotive power applications, output forecasting technology for effective utilization of renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power, construction of next-generation power plants using advanced information processing technology, development of next-generation power systems with advanced information infrastructure, and next-generation control technology, which forms the basis for all of these.


    1-2 Keywords

    Nuclear fusion, power electronics, robotics, control theory, power system control


    1-3 Supervisors?(Representative*)?

    Takashi Yasuno*, Kaoru Ohya, Masatake Kawada, Masahide Hojo, Tomohiro Kubo, Hidetoshi Oya


  2. Research on Application of Electrical Energy to Environmental Conservation and ImprovementGreen InnovationLife Innovation
    2-1 Outline

    The energy consumption and activities of mankind cause emissions of many greenhouse pollutants, not only carbon dioxide. The efficient removal/decomposition of these substances including persistent substances is an essential technology in order to realize a sustainable society and our aim is to accomplish the environmental improvements on both local and global scales with application of electrical energy. Furthermore, applications of the effect of electrical energy on living organisms would enable the environmental improvement. This research project will resolve these problems by utilizing discharge plasma, pulsed power or LEDs, which is one of utilization form of electrical energy.


    2-2 Keywords

    Discharge plasma, pulsed power, LED sterilization, environmental conservation technology, bioelectrics


    2-3 Supervisors

    Naoyuki Shimomura*, Kenji Teranishi, Retsuo Kawakami, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Masaki Hashizume
