TOPNEWSTokushima University President's Awards Ceremony for Young Researchers

Tokushima University President's Awards Ceremony for Young Researchers


On December 16th, 2024, the awards ceremony was held for the President's Award for Young Researchers.

 This awards system, which has been in place since 2006, aims to improve the research capabilities of young researchers and promote the creation of an environment in which they can conduct their research independently. It recognizes particularly outstanding young researchers under the age of 40 and presents them with a certificate and research support funds.
 This year marks the 19th time the award has been given, and 14 researchers were recommended by deans or directors within Tokushima University. After a comprehensive evaluation of their research achievements and future potential, five researchers were awarded the prize. The president handed them a certificate and a list of 1 million yen in research support expenses.
 After the award ceremony, the winners had the opportunity to talk with the president, executive directors and deans. After the winners gave self-introduction presentations including about their research, they exchanged opinions on support for the research environment and other matters.

■ The Award-winning Researchers
Assistant Professor Takashima Yusuke (Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences)
Assistant Professor Matsusaki Motonori (Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences)
Lecturer Hase Eiji (Institute of Post-LED Photonics)
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Wada Yuma (Hospital: Department of Digestive Surgery and Transplantation)
Special Appointed Lecturer Yagi Kenta (Hospital: Clinical Research Center for Developmental Therapeutics)

President Kawamura (front row, third from left) and the Award-winning Researchers
(Assistant Prof. Takashima; Assistant Prof. Matsusaki; Lecturer Hase; Specially
Appointed Assistant Prof. Wada;Special Appointed Lecturer Yagi) (front row from left)

Last updated: 2025-01-15