Health service, counseling and accessibility center

TOPCampus LifeHealth service, counseling and accessibility center


The Health service, counseling and accessibility center offers health and medical care and consultation services for students and staff, emerging as a new organization in April 2019 through the integration of the health service and counseling center and accessibility division for students with disability. The Center comprises the Health Service Division providing health and medical care, the Student and Staff Counseling Division offering consultation services, and accessibility division for students with disability

  • 1) Regular ant other health examinations
  • 2) Medical care and health guidance
  • 3) Issuing health examination certificates, medical certificates, referral forms and other certificates
  • 4) Preventive medicine such as vaccinations and antibody titer
  • 5) Industrial medical practice and health and safety
  • 6) Education and research concerning health
  • 7) Aid activities at entrance examinations, marathons and various events
  • 8) Counseling and mental health care
  • 9) General counseling concerning student life
  • 10) Work and lifestyle counseling for administrative staff
  • 11) Counseling concerning human rights
  • 12) Providing supports for challenged students

Last updated: 2019-07-31