29th May, 2023 10th anniversary party
NewsStaffResearchResarch AchievementsAbout the LaboratoryPictures
- Kodai Kawata, Kimika Kayano, and Riko Yamamoto were awarded at the graduation ceremony(22 March 2024) go to photos
- Kimika Kayano's paper "Epoxide Ring-Opening Reactions for Abundant Production of Mugineic Acids and Nicotianamine Probes
" was published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(19 March 2024)
- Tenta Nakamura, Kodai Kawata, Riko Yamamoto and Miho Yamgaguchi were awarded by the President (11 March 2024) go to photos
- Yuna Kondo's paper "Development of 1,3a,6a-triazapentalene derivatives as practical erasable fluoresccent cell staining reagents
"was published in Tetrahedron Lett.(28 Feb. 2024)
- Kimika Kayano and Riko Yamamoto recieved the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Award. (January 2024)。
- Andrea Masetti, PhD student at the University of Bologna, Italy, joined our laboratory as a short-term international student and we held a welcome party (27 Jan 2024). go to photos
- Joint research with North Carolina State University published in Environmental Microbiolgy Reports
(19 January 2024))
- Ryuichi Sumida received the Excellent Poster Award at the 34th East-Shikoku Forum of the Society of Process Chemistry, Japan (January, 2024). go to photos
- Chie Ogasa's paper published in Synlett was introduced in Thieme Chemistry's News-Archive2024(January, 2024)go to page
- Professor Namba has been selected to recieve the corporate award from the Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (December, 2023)。
- Yuki Kimura is appointed as a JSPS special researcher (DC2) (September, 2023).
- Mr. Tenta Nakamura received the Excellent Presentation Award at the 37th Kagaku Dojo for Young Chemist (September, 2023年)picture
- Lab trip(August 31th-Sptember 1st, 2023)Go to photos(その1)(その2)。
- Ms. Chie Ogasa's research "A simple and powerful tert-butylation of carboxylic acids and alcohols" is published in Synlett(August, 2023)
- Ryuichi Sumida, Misa Okuda, and Akane Mera's paper "A suitable stereoisomer of vibrioferrin probes for iron uptake of Vibrio parahaemolyticus" is published in Chem. Lett. (May, 2023)
- Namba lab 10th anniversary party was held(April 29, 2023))pictures(その1)(その2)(その3)
- Mr. Tenta Nakamura, Mr. Kodai Kawata, Ms. Riko Yamamoto, and Ms. Miho Yamaguchi recieved the best presentaion award from the 143rd Anual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (April 25, 2023)picure
- 7 students, including new B3 students and doctral students from India and Kitasato University, have joined us (April 2023). picture
- Ms. Yuki Kimura recieved the President's Commendation (March 2023).
- Dr. Karanjit Sangita has promoted to Lecturer (March 1st, 2023)。
- Ms. Riko Yamamoto's research "1,3a,6a-Triazapentalene derivatives as photo-induced cytotoxic small fluorescent dyes" is published in Commun. Chem. (February 23, 2023).
- Mr. Kodai Kawata recieved the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Award(January, 2023)。
- The content broadcast at Focus Tokushima was also released on the Nippon TV NEWS channel(January 16, 2023)。
- Namba lab's research on deseart fertilizer was broadcast on Shikoku Broadcasting's Focus Tokushima and Introduced on Yahoo! News (January 11, 2023).
- A joint research with RIKEN that elucidtated the three-dimensional structure of the mugineic acid•iron complex transporter was published in Nature Communications (November 25, 2022).
- Ms. Emiko Tanaka's paper published in Catal. Sci. Technol. was selected for the front cover (June 21, 20222).
- Ms. Yuki Kimura's paper Total Synthesis of Guaianolides published in Org. Lett. was selected as Most Read Articles(monthly).
- Ms. Yuki Kimura recieved the best presentaion award from the 142nd Anual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (April 22, 2022)picure
- Ms Yuki Kimura's research "Total Syntheses of Proposed Structures of 4,10-Dihydroxy-8,12-guaianolides" is published in Org. Lett. (April 22, 2022).
- Ms. Yuki Kimura recieved the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Award(March 23, 2023)picure
- Ms. Kimika Kayano recived the Dean's Commendation (March 23, 2022). picure
- Ms. Yuki Kimura, Mr. Tenta Nakamura, and Mr. Kotaro Ooka recieved the President's Commendation (March 16, 2022).
- Ms. Emiko Tanaka's research "A heterogeneous bifunctional silica-supported Ag2O/Im+Cl- catalyst for efficeint CO2 conversion" is published in Catal. Sci. Technol. (March 8, 2022).
- Namba lab purchased a new NMR (500 MHz)(February 8, 2022) picture
- Professor Namba's interview was introduced in Yahoo! News(December 28, 2021)
- Namba lab's efforts on the next-generation fertilizer were introduced at Rike Lab (November 5, 2021)
- Dr. Eisaku Ohashi's paper on palau'amine synthesis published in Chem. Sci. was introduced in SYNFACT(November, 2021)
- Dr. Ryota Sato returned from the Scripps Research Institute and become an assistant professor in our labratory (Novemver 1st, 2021)
- Professor Namba recieved the Tokushima Prefecrure Science and Technology Award (October 23, 2021。picture
- Ms. Yuki Kimura received the Excellent Poster Award (Chem. Lett. Award) at the 37th Synthetic Organic Chemistry Seminar (September 17, 2021). picture
- Professor Namba's research "Practical application research of highly active biodegradable iron fertilizer" was adopted as A-STEP (September 8, 2021). Press release (A-STEP), Press release(Tokushima University)
- Mr. Eisaku Ohashi's research "Efficient construction of the hexacyclic ring core of palau'amine: the pKa concept for proceeding with unfavorable equilibrium reactions" is published in Chemical Science (August 19, 2021)
- Mr. Tenta Nakamura's research "Development of a novel antioxidant based on a dimeric dihydroisocoumarin derivative" is published inTetrahedron Lett. (May 10, 2021)
- Mr. Tenta Nakamura recieved the best presentaion award from the 141st Anual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (April 20, 2021) picture
- Our paper on next-generation fertilizer published in Nature Communications has been selected as Editors' Highlights of Nature Communications。
- Namba lab's research on next-generation fertilizers was introdued in the Tokushima Newspaper (March 23, 2021 morning edition)
- Namba lab's research on next-generation fertilizers was repoted on news on NHK Tokushima, and a special feature on mugineic acids was broadcast on the evening information program "Toku 6" (March 17, 2021)
- Namba lab's research on next-generation fertilizers was introduced at Nikkei Newspaper、Mainichi Newspaper、University Journal、Nihon Agricultural Newspaper、NEWSSALT、Okinawa Times、ChubuKeizai、Fukui Newspaper、Shikoku Newspaper、Kyoto Newspaper、and so on.
- Ms. Atsumi Urabe, Ms. Sayaka Sasaki, Mr. Satoshi Nishio, and Ms. Haruka Mukaiyama's research "Development of a mugineic acid family phytosiderophore analog as an iron fertilizer" is published in Nature Communication(March 10, 2021)。This research is the development of the next-generation fertilizer based on the natural iron chletor mugineic acid(Press release)。
- Mrs. Tenta Nakamura and Toshihiro Zaima's total synthesis paper bublished in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. is introduced in SYNFACTS and selected as SYNFACTS of the month (November 17, 2020)。
- Assistant professor Atsushi Nakayama has been promoted to a lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Osaka City University(October 1st, 2020)
Professor Kosuke Namba
Lecturer Karanjit Sangita
Assistant Professor Ryota Sato
- Synthetic Studies on complex biologiclly active natural products
- Research on greening of desert soils and research on elucidation of iron ion absorption mechanism in plants.
- Development of new fluorescent molecules and thier applications
- Development of efficeint organic reaction using organocatalysts.
- Development of environmentally friendly organic reaction.
Research Achievements
About the laboratory
- current members
- recruitment of new members
- Reservation of Equipments (Our lab.)
- Career paths of graduates
- 新人歓迎会(2023年4月8日)
- 2023年イベント(その1)
- 新春眉山ハイキング2023
- 新しいNMRがやってきた(2022年2月)
- 新春眉山ハイキング2022
- 2021年のイベント(その2)
- 2021年のイベント(その1)
- 中山博士送別セレモニー(2020年9月24日)
- 新年会と卒業式 (2020年)
- 2019年7-11月のイベントまとめ
- 講座旅行2019(19/8/30-31)
- 2019年1-4月のイベントまとめ
- 3年生歓迎会(18/10/13)
- 講座旅行2018(18/7/27-28)
- 全合成達成祝賀会2018-その1(18/7/14)
- 第6回徳島文理大学薬学部青空研究交流会(18/6/30)
- 2018年1月のイベントまとめ
- 2017年6-10月のイベントまとめ
- 卒業式(17/3/23)
- 有機合成化学協会中四国支部第74回パネル討論会(16/10/1)
- 講座旅行2016(16/9/2-3)
- 有機系ソフトボール大会2016(16/6/18)
- 花見(16/4/2)
- 花見(15/4/4)
- 卒業式(15/3/23)
- 追いコン(15/3/7)
- 新年会と研究課題達成お祝い会(15/1/24)
- 2014年忘年会(14/12/26)
- 全合成達成祝賀会(14/10/24)
- 関西学院大学羽村研との研究交流会(14/9/24-25)
- 講座旅行(14/8/27-28)
- 第2回徳島文理大学薬学部角田研?今川研との青空研究交流会(14/6/21)
- 有機系ソフトボール大会と中山先生歓迎会(14/5/31)
- 卒業式(13/3/24)
- 講座旅行(13/8/28-29)
- 有機系ソフトボール大会(13/6/8)
- 徳島文理大学薬学部今川研?角田研との研究交流会(13/6/29)