徳島大学医学部生がモンゴル国立医科大学医学部生とオンライン交流を行いました Online Exchange between Medical Students of Tokushima University and Medical Students of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

トップ亚洲博彩十大网站排名_澳门足球博彩公司推荐【唯一授权十大网站】らせ徳島大学医学部生がモンゴル国立医科大学医学部生とオンライン交流を行いました Online Exchange between Medical Students of Tokushima University and Medical Students of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences


  On December 13th, Friday, six students from the Faculty of Medicine of Tokushima University held an online exchange with six students from Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (hereinafter referred to as MNUMS) which is Tokushima University's academic exchange partner university. Since the academic agreement was signed in 2005, students from both universities have been visiting each other and deepening their exchanges and friendship, but the exchange was suspended for three years from 2020 to 2022 due to the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19. Since then, the two universities have been coordinating the timing of resuming the exchange, but in 2024, the schedule was difficult to match, so this online exchange was held as a first attempt.
   At the beginning, Professor Nishioka Yasuhiko, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, gave opening remarks and explained the history of exchange between the two universities from 2005 to the present. This was followed by an address by Associate Professor Bilegtsaikhan Tsormon, Vice President for Research and International Affairs of MNUMS.
   Afterwards, six Mongolian students and six Tokushima students: Ms. Kawaji Ruika (5th  year), Mr. Kitao Yugo (3rd year), Mr. Tokutsu Seijiro (3rd year), Ms. Atarashi Kana (2nd  year) and Mr. Fujimoto Taisei (1st year) as Ms. Okano Nana (4th year) acted as the moderator for Tokushima University, gave their presentations in English about their respective universities, the medical school curriculum and training, club activities, how they spend their weekends, etc. In addition, they gave presentations about the attractions and tourist spots of Mongolia and Tokushima Prefecture, etc. In the exchange of opinions after the presentations, there was an active question and answer session about the contents of the presentations.
   Finally, Professor Akaike Masashi, Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, gave a closing speech, saying, "I hope that this student exchange will further invigorate exchanges between the two universities and I believe that such exchanges will serve as a bridge between Japan and Mongolia."
   The students from both universities promised to meet each other in either Mongolia or Tokushima in the near future and took a commemorative group photo, concluding the first online exchange.

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           徳島大学医学部参加者                      モンゴル国立医科大学参加者
        Participants of Tokushima University                      Participants of MNUMS

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                            Online Exchange

                        Commemorative Group Photo
