

 亚洲博彩十大网站排名_澳门足球博彩公司推荐【唯一授权十大网站】4年8月2日(火)、フレルバータル学長とシーレヴニャンバ大学院長は、大学本部で調印式を行った後、蔵本キャンパスを訪問されました。蔵本キャンパスでは、各学部やセンターの教育?研究施設を視察後、モンゴル出身留学生等との懇談会が開催されました。懇談会では、最初に、フレルバータル学長から金山博臣教授(泌尿器科学分野)にモンゴル国立医科大学の Visiting Professor の称号が授与されました。続いて、モンゴル出身留学生の研究発表があり、フレルバータル学長から学生に向けて激励の言葉をいただきました。

President of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) and Dean of Graduate School of MNUMS visited Tokushima University

   Tokushima University Faculty of Medicine has maintained active exchange and close cooperation with MNUMS (formerly known as Health Sciences University of Mongolia) since the two parties concluded the Inter-Faculty/School Agreement on Academic Cooperation in 2005. Activities and achievements were highly evaluated and therefore the Inter-Faculty/School Agreement on Academic Cooperation was upgraded to the Interuniversity Agreement on Academic Cooperation in 2007. President Nyamdavaa Khurelbaatar and Dean Avirmed Shiirevnymba visited Tokushima University to present the Signing Ceremony to renew the Interuniversity Agreement on Academic Cooperation which was the 3rd renewal.
   They visited the Kuramoto Campus after they presented the Signing Ceremony at Tokushima University Headquarters on August 2nd, Tuesday. They made a campus tour visiting educational/research facilities of Faculties and Centers and presented the meeting with students from Mongolia. At the meeting, firstly, President Phurelbaatar awarded the Visiting Professor of MNUMS to Professor Hiroomi Kanayama (Department of Urology). After the awarding ceremony, Mongolian students made their presentations on their research achievements. President Khurelbaatar gave them a word of encouragement. 
   Through their visit, the further development of exchanges and friendship between the two universities is expected.


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(from the left) Prof. Akaike, Dean of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences; Dean Shiirevnyamba; President Khurelbaatar; Prof. Nishioka, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; Professor of Special Affairs Irahara 

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Visiting Professor 授与 (左)フレルバータル学長、(右)金山教授
President Khurelbaatar (left) awarded the Visiting Professor of MNUMS to Prof. Kanayama (right)

Meeting with students from Mongolia (research presentations)

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Commemorative photo with students from Mongolia
