Faculty of Dentistry

TOPGraduate Schools and FacultiesFacultyFaculty of Dentistry


Pursuing oral and integrated health for healthy longevity
We aim to train students who can contribute to society, through education and research related to oral and general health.

  1. The School of Dentistry fosters dentists with the latest treatment techniques, broad knowledge of subjects beyond dentistry, and the ethics required of a medical professional.
  2. The School of Oral Health and Welfare trains people to play a leading role in specialized fields of education, research, and clinical practice, contributing to the promotion of health and longevity from the specialist viewpoint of oral health and welfare.

School of Dentistry


The School of Dentistry is a six-year course with a capacity of 43 students. Graduates are awarded a bachelor's degree (dentistry), and are qualified to take the examination for nationally registered dentists.
The educational aim of the School of Dentistry is to foster dentists with strong medical ethics, the greatest regard for life, and a researcher's mindset.
The Tokushima University Hospital supports clinical training with the latest facilities for diagnosis and treatment.
In addition, we offer comprehensive education from general to specialist education. In the 1st year freshman course and 3rd year introduction to research seminar, students are assigned to a laboratory to experience actual research. Furthermore, 5th and 6th year students can elect to be assigned to a clinical practice department to develop their capacity for independent research. With this curriculum, the School of Dentistry seeks to establish an organic link between basic education and clinical practice. In this way, we aim to foster dentists with the latest treatment techniques, as well as broad knowledge of subjects beyond dentistry.

School of Oral Health and Welfare

Practical training for dental hygienist

The School of Oral Health and Welfare is a four-year course with a capacity of 15 students. Graduates are awarded a bachelor's degree (oral health), and are qualified to take the examination for nationally registered dental hygienists. Furthermore, by studying for additional credits, students are qualified to take the examination for nationally registered certified social worker. The pass rate for both these national examinations is very high, and the school is highly regarded nationwide.
The educational aim of the School of Oral Health and Welfare is to foster personnel with compassion and empathy, who have the specialist knowledge and skills to contribute to team medicine, who will play a leading role in promoting health and longevity from the viewpoint of specialists in oral health and welfare.
We offer unique educational activities through coordination with the School of Dentistry and accept international students through international cooperation as one of our many proactive educational programs.

Last updated: 2019-01-29