Oral Physiology

prof.Matsumoto Shinji   E-mail:smatsumoto@tokushima-u.ac.jp

The Department of Oral Physiology conducts research on the following main topics using 3D culture and organoid technologies:

  1. Reproduction of salivary gland structure and secretory function, and elucidation of regulatory mechanisms
  2. Study of the functions of taste bud cells in the tongue and its regulatory mechanisms 
  3. Reproduction of the barrier function of the oral mucosal epithelium and elucidation of the homeostatic mechanism
  4. Characterization of oral epithelial stem cells and development of regeneration technologies
  5. Construction of in vitro models to reproduce oral diseases and elucidation of their pathophysiology
  6. Elucidation of the effects of oral function on systemic physiological function and diseases
  7. Development of nucleic acid-based therapeutics for related diseases

Through these research themes, we aim to contribute to oral health promotion and disease prevention, and to return research results to society. Additionally, we will accurately capture the needs and challenges of clinical settings and feedback them into basic research, striving for more practical and innovative research.



Oral Physiology Professor Matsumoto Shinji
Matsumoto Shinji
Oral Physiology

The Department of Oral Physiology is committed to understanding the mechanisms of functional regulation of the oral cavity and related organs, as well as their relationship to systemic health. In particular, we utilize 3D culture and organoid technologies to reproduce the functions produced by the epithelial cells of the salivary glands, tongue, and oral mucosa. This enables us to elucidate the mechanisms of homeostasis and the pathophysiology of diseases caused by their disruption, as well as to develop new treatment methods. Furthermore, our objective is to nurture the next generation of dental professionals with a borderless view of the entire life sciences.
