Oral Microbiology

Prof.Sumitomo Tomoko E-mail: sumitomo.tomoko@tokushima-u.ac.jp

Dental caries and periodontal disease are infectious diseases caused by bacteria colonizing in the oral cavity. Diverse pathogens utilize the mucosal epithelial cells of the nasopharynx and oral cavity as portal of entry to invade into host cells and develop systemic severe infectious diseases, including COVID-19, influenza and aspiration pneumonia. The Division of Oral Microbiology is devoted to elucidating the pathogenesis of oral microorganisms in systemic diseases. We are trying to develop promising therapeutic strategies as alternatives to the administration of conventional antibiotics and antiviral agents for broad-spectrum prevention, as well as management of infectious diseases.

Research Projects

  1. Elucidation of Pathogenesis of oral microorganisms in systemic diseases
  2. Development of high-performance small molecule antibodies
  3. Application and bioengineering of bacteriophage
  4. Mechanism of oral antimicrobial peptides
Oral Microbiology Professor Sumitomo Tomoko
Sumitomo Tomoko
Oral Microbiology

Division of Oral Microbiology devotes elucidating of mechanisms underlying severe infectious diseases, including pneumonia and meningitis, caused by pathogens that utilize the mucosal epithelial cells of the nasopharynx and oral cavity as the entry portal and developing establishment of effective preventive and therapeutic measures. Besides basic research on infectious diseases, we are working to foster future young leaders in the field of dental medicine and infectious disease research. Our group is composed of researchers from various backgrounds who all share a common enthusiasm for studying microbiology and infectious diseases. We hope the enthusiasm and innovative ideas of young researchers to contribute to the progression of our research.
